Instituto Nacional de Engenharia de Superfícies

Artigos e Patentes

Laboratório de Produção de Nanomateriais - Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

  • 2022
  • DORIA, MAURO MELCHIADES ; LIU, LIYING ; XING, YUTAO ; MERINO, ISABEL L.C. ; LITTERST, JOCHEN ; BAGGIO-SAITOVITCH, ELISA . Shape Resonances and the Tc dependence on film thickness of Ni/Bi systems. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, v. 35, p. 015012, 2022. / Ver detalhes

  • LUSTOSA, A.C.L.B. ; EVERS, M. ; FRANCESCHINI, D.F. ; LITTERST, F.J. ; XING, YUTAO . sp-hybridized carbon atoms formed by low-energy collisions in carbon nanofoams produced by pulsed laser deposition. MATERIALS LETTERS, v. 314, p. 131886, 2022. / Ver detalhes

  • 2021
  • TRAJANO, M. F.; FRANCESCHINI, D. F.; SILVA, EDIMILSON F.; CORREA, M. ASSOLIN; BOHN, F.; ALVES, S. M. - Enhancement of Cu Nanoparticles Dispersion in Nanolubricants by Magnetron Sputtering Deposition and Its Influence on the Tribological Behavior. - JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. , v.143, p.1 - 17, 2021. / Ver detalhes

  • ESTEVES, LAURA; OLIVEIRA, HUGO ALVARENGA; Xing, Y. T.; PASSOS, FABIO BARBOZA - Cobalt supported on carbon nanotubes for methane chemical vapor deposition towards carbon nanotubes. - NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY. , v.45, p.14218 - 14226, 2021. / Ver detalhes

  • VALLE, WANDERSON FERRAZ; SOARES, ANDRE VON HELD; Xing, Y. T.; PASSOS, FABIO BARBOZA - Probing supported bimetallic Pt-In sites in glycerol hydrogenolysis. NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY. , v.45, p.6512 - 6520, 2021. / Ver detalhes

  • PEIXOTO, E.B.; CARVALHO, M.H.; DUQUE, J.G.S.; MURACA, D.; Xing, Y.T.; NUNES, W.C. Size distribution and interaction effects on dispersed - Fe30Ni70 nanoalloy synthesized by termal decomposition. - JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. , v.518, p.167399 - , 2021. / Ver detalhes

  • LIU, LIYING; XING, YUTAO; MERINO, I.L.C.; HENRIQUES, M.D.R.; DÓRIA, MAURO; SOLÓRZANO, I.G.; - Baggio-Saitovitch, E. - Spontaneous morphology and phase modification driven by sequence of deposition in superconducting Ni-Bi bilayers. - MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. , v.260, p.124112 - , 2021. / Ver detalhes

  • 2020
  • VIANA, W.E.S.S.; ELZUBAIR, A.E.; WYSARD, M.M.; Franceschini, D.F.; CAMARGO, S.S. - Comparison of the properties of a-C:H films deposited from methane and heptane precursors: study of the mechanical, chemical and structural properties. - THIN SOLID FILMS. , v.695, p.137733 - , 2020. / Ver detalhes

  • LIU, LIYING; XING, YUTAO; MERINO, I.L.C.; Franceschini, D.F.; SOLÓRZANO, I.G.; BAGGIOSAITOVITCH, E. - Magnetic properties of superconducting phases NiBi and NiBi3 formed during pulsed laser deposition of Ni-Bi films. - JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. , v.514, p.167275 - , 2020. / Ver detalhes

  • LACERDA, J.N.; Franceschini, D.F.; PONZIO, E.A.; ESTEVES, LAURA M.; Guimarães, R.B.; XING, Y.T. - Manganese oxide nanofoam prepared by pulsed laser deposition for high performance supercapacitor electrodes.- MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. , v.242, p.122459 - , 2020. / Ver detalhes

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O Instituto Nacional de Engenharia de Superfícies, um dos INCTs do CNPq, reúne e articula em nível nacional os melhores recursos humanos e de infraestrutura em engenharia de superfícies. O instituto propõe uma estreita colaboração entre grupos de pesquisa e sistemas produtivos a serviço do crescimento sustentável do Brasil pela via da inovação tecnológica.

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